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Spontaneous events of life IV by Flavia Pitis


Flavia Pitis' (°1978, Romania) art explores issues of identity and isolation. Her work does not have the function to represent reality, but to make present what is missing in reality. Most times, Flavia Pitis realizes this by isolating the subject and its confrontation with the loneliness of the chiaroscuro. Darkness introduces the immaterial, but sensitive forms of expecting something indefinable and outlines the aura of a mysterious presence. The universe of Flavia Pitis’ actions unfolds in rooms without natural light. Painted by using the chiaroscuro technique, these works present actions that seem to be condemned by being made in the dark. In particular, this dark background creates the opportunity for the appearance of glows, flashes and reflexes. There is nothing else to help define space than the shadow cast by the human figure.

She was educated at the National University of Fine Arts 'Nicolae Grigorescu' in Bucharest, an was a researcher on image theory in Firenze, Italy.

Overview of recent exhibitions

Solo & group exhibitions

2014 'Landscape over time', Oxholm Gallery, Copenhagen, Danmark
2014 'Back into illusion', Várfok Gallery, Budapest
, Hungary
2014 'The essences of Reality', Central & Eastern European contemporary artists in an itinerant exhibition, Brukenthal Museum Sibiu, Romenia

2013 'End of Empires', Corke Gallery, Liverpool, UK

2012 'The Essences of Reality, Hungarian and Romenian centemporary Artists in an itinerant exhibition', Várfok Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
2012 'Colouring the grey, - state of body', Liverpool Biennial Independents 2012, UK
2012 'Sacrifice Generation', Societe Generale, Paris, France
2012 'Romania in Paris', American Center for the Arts, Dorothy’s Gallery, Paris, France

2011 'Colouring the grey, - state of mind',The Artists’ House, Tel Aviv, Israel

2011 Europe Gallery, Brasov, Romania

2010 ARTmART, Kunstlerhaus, Vienna, Austria

2010 'Looking through the mirror', Art Museum, Brasov, Romania

2009 The Mediterranean Olive Grove, Olivepress Art Factory, Crete, Grece
2009 Normandia Business Center, Brasov, Romania

2008 BP Portrait Award, National Gallery, London, UK
2008 BP Portrait Tour Wolverhampton Art Gallery, Aberdeen Art Gallery, UK, Aberystwyth Arts Center, Wales


Snapsho Romania: Contemporary Artists from Romania, Imago Mundi – Luciano Benetton Collection, 2013

Radu Belcin, Flavia Pitis - Faces & Traces, Vellant Publishing House, 2012

The soft power of the art market, Vellant Publishing House, 2011

Colouring the grey - state of mind, Vellant Publishing House, 2011