Tree by Kobe De Peuter
The art work of Kobe De Peuter (º1979, Turnhout) is a mildly critical report of the visual language proper to a contemporary, dominant stream, an antropocentric belief that man is capable to manage, manipulate and perfect his own environmental factors and his future.
This belief is translated into the contemporary architecture and industrial design of public space, without forming an accurate self portrait. It instead tries to depict an image from the desired or idealized society. Public space functions more and more as a scene or an articial setting within the tightening and sterilization of our direct environment. It becomes a showpiece of a collective image, a stage where we as individuals are being held responsible for our proper performance.
Kobe De Peuter is selftaught. The ideas behind his art are strongly influenced by film makers such as Hiroshi Teshigara (The Face of Another), Andrej Tarkovsky (Stalker) en Krzysztof Kieslowsky (Amator), as well as the literary work of Aldous Huxley and contemporary philosopher John N. Gray.
Overview of recent exhibitions
Solo shows
2016 Jan Dhaese Gallery, Ghent, Belgium
2016 44Gallery, Bruges, Belgium
2015 Freemen Gallery, Aardenburg, The Netherlands
2014 'The Stage = The Performance' , Jan Dhaese Gallery, Ghent, Belgium
2014 'KDP presents NV presenting SY', Second Room, Ghent, Belgium
2014 'Next Level', Light Cube Art gallery, Ronse, Belgium
2014 'Assuming Human Beings to be the Final Aim and End of the Universe Totally, Like Whatever, You Know?' Freemen Gallery, Aardenburg, The Netherlands (duo show)
2013 'Material World', Le Coin C Gallery, Knokke, Belgium
2012 'Paintings', Galerie Negenpuntnegen, Roeselare, Belgium
2012 'Evanescense', 44Gallery, Bruges, Belgium
2012 Galerie 48 / SBK Breda; The Netherlands (duo show)
2011 'Distortion', Cellaar Gallery , Kortrijk, Belgium
2011 'Masterplan', Freemen Gallery, Aardenburg, The Netherlands
2010 'Schijn', Pins-Art Gallery, Bruges, Belgium
Group shows (selection)
2014 Morren Galleries, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (trio show)
2013 '20 Jaar Morren Galleries', Morren Galleries, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2013 'God & Human' , In Between Gallery - Piazza dell'Arte, Elsene, Brussels
2013 'P.R.E.S.T.I.G.E. II', Platea Rozier, Gent, Belgium
2012 'Max:40x30', Cellaar Gallery, Kortrijk, Belgium
2012 'Inner Circle', Freemen Gallery, Sluis, The Netherlands
2012 Morren Galeries, Utrecht, The Netherlands
2011 'By Invitation Only', Gallery Jan Dhaese, Gent, Belgium
2011 'GNFR', Monty, Antwerp, Belgium (as NV)
2011 Morren Galeries, Utrecht, The Netherlands
2011 'Premi Telax', Galeria Antoni Pinyol, Reus, Spain
2011 Galeria Homa, Barcelona, Spain
2010 'Four-Cast', Gallery Kelman-Visser, Brussels
2010 'A Touch of Nonchalance', Belfort, Aalst, Belgium
2009 'Lionart 2009: Zin in Zien', Brussels
2009 'Orde//Chaos', Syntra, Mechelen, Belgium
2009 Gallery Molenaars, Breda, The Netherlands
2009 'Mensenlief', St-Martinuspastorij, Malle, Belgium
2009 'Premi Telax', Galeria Antoni Pinyol, Reus, Spain
2008 'A Flowery Band', Gallery S&H De Buck, Gent, België
2008 'Premi telax', Galeria Antoni Pinyol, Reus, Spain
2008 Galeria Homa, Barcelona, Spain